July 2022
We sold one Roland 607 +LW year 1991 to Egypt
We sold one Roland 607 +LW year 1991 to Egypt
Amazing Stockholm Watch all the Ships
Arataper delivery We loaded our Arataper with servodriven unwind to a Swedish customer.
Loading of Kirby printer for Poland and an overhauled Lamina 1114 for Moldova.
One Lamina 1114 Fa unloaded for overhaul
We sold one Rabolini 140 cm with feeder to Italy
We sold 2 Bobst AV3 and one Atlas hand platen
We sold one Kohmann window patcher to the Baltic States
We loaded one Yong Shin 23 tonnes die cutter. Watch it.
Duran Machinery and KBA joins forces in the sales of folder gluers. Youir local representative, Arapak, remains as before as your Contact. Read about it.