March 2023
We sold our Gopfert SRE to Poland
We sold our Gopfert SRE to Poland
We sold one Lamina Gluer + WS to USA
We sold one Roland 607 +LW year 1991 to Egypt
Amazing Stockholm Watch all the Ships
Arataper delivery We loaded our Arataper with servodriven unwind to a Swedish customer.
We sold our Lunex 1600, an Autobox box maker and 2 stitchers to a customer in Bulgaria.
We delivered one flexo machine MECEM
Wookil 2100 We delivered one used Wookil 2100 semi auto die cutter to a Swedish customer
Arataper triple tape rolls in Bobst 170 We installed one Arataper Triple Version in a Bobst Expertfold 170
We moved to new modern premises.